Polaris Turbo Diesel MRZR Military Vehicle

Before you get all too excited and start dreaming yourself conquering undulating terrains in a Polaris Turbo Diesel MRZR (MRZR-D), you have to know that unless you are a military personnel, you are unlikely to be traveling in one – much less drive one. The Polaris Turbo Diesel MRZR is the newest addition to Polaris Defense’s line up of geared-for-military duties vehicles and it will make its worldwide debut at the 2016 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC) in Tampa, Florida, happening between May 24 and 26, and in Ottawa, Ontario at Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries 2016 (CANSEC) from May 25 to 26.

If you are familiar with Polaris Defense’s vehicles, you may note that the new MRZR-D looks pretty the same as the current MRZR vehicles. In fact, it is, inheriting much of the original’s features and specifications, including the power plant, payload, towing, ground clearance, accessories, handling – right down to the dimensions. Like its forebear, the new MRZR is also airliftable by the V22 Osprey and is offered in a variety of configuration, from two to six persons. While it read like there’s no difference, there are actually some differences, albeit very subtle, and these includes an updated occupant seating space, economics and sightlines.

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Furthermore, the MRZR-D is blessed with increased auxiliary power and “greater range.” Though no numbers were provided for the latter. We know regular person won’t be able to acquire one, but as a military buff and auto enthusiast, we can fully appreciate the Polaris Turbo Diesel MRZR, even if it means just looking a lone image (damn, I made it sounds so sad!).