For this Halloween, San Francisco temporary became Mordor where the Eye of Sauron kept watch over the city as it perched on top of Salesforce Tower and boy, it was a sight to behold. So, if you were around the area and had the One Ring, and you somehow felt strange on Halloween night, you now know why. It was the Eye calling out to you. Fortunately, J.R.R. Tolkien’s frictional world did not materialize; instead, it was a projection designed by artist Jim Campbell.
Night has fallen. Behold.
— Brock Keeling (@BrockKeeling) November 1, 2018
The projection was created after a petition, titled “Turn Salesforce Tower into Eye of Sauron on Halloween night,” proposed by a group calling themselves “The Fellowship” on garnered 11,319 signatories. It is not known if Frodo Baggins, Legolas, Aragorn or the rest of Fellowship for LOTR were involved in this movement (just kidding, they probably weren’t involved in anyway).
The petition rationalized that Salesforce Tower is worthy as the Eye of Sauron since it kind of redefined San Francisco’s skyline and “in the process, contributed to small and large business worldwide, to stand not only as a beacon for capitalist pursuit but to tip their hat to the people, culture, and community of this great city.” Ermmm, why does it sounds like an evil thing? Just saying… Anyways, the best part of the petition was perhaps this ending paragraph:
“It has been said that bonds are formed through shared experiences, the strongest of which are forged in fire. We ask of you to help us unite the city, and raise the torch on Halloween night as one community, together.”
It is not known if there were Uruk-Hai (as folks dressed up as Middle-earth Orcs) roaming the streets of SF on this night.
The Salesforce tower has turned into the Eye of Sauron for Halloween and I swear it’s staring at me.
— Audrey (@AudSec) November 1, 2018
Featured image: Alexia Bonatsos (@alexia)
Source: Mashable.