SherryWinks PocketBra

unlike men, ladies’ apparels usually don’t have the luxury of pockets. when present, pockets on ladies’ wears are more aesthetics than functional, well, at least not for their bloated purses – thanks the various loyalty and membership cards. however, one lingerie and intimate apparel startup, SherryWinks, wants to change that with its patented PocketBra. PocketBra, as the name implies, is basically brassieres with pockets – four of them actually. two can be found on either side, and two are located on the cups. with these pockets, SherryWinks wants ladies to ditch their purse, by stuffing their essentials, such as credit cards, cash, and even smartphones into their bra. on one hand, it sounds like a dream come true for our lady friends who no longer has to worry about minimizing their purses for clubbing nights, but on the other, wouldn’t it be uncomfortable?

SherryWinks PocketBra

i don’t know. being a dude, bras are way off my domain, so i probably can’t say if it is comfy or not, but logic tells me that having a 4.87-inch long and 0.3-inch thick hard object (referencing to iPhone, duh!) under the armpit area may be something pretty galling. the thing is, our sides are not flat or fleshy, and neither are they flexible, and hence, if a brick like object, even a small one, were to be stashed there, it might be a pretty uncomfortable experience. then again, the power of sensory adaption might just kicks in and let the wearer forgets all about it as time passes, but that’s another story altogether. however, those on the cups might just work, but again, i guess it would depends on how ‘full’ is the wearer, is it not? and one more thing, if you were to keep stuff between the bra, you will need pretty loose garments so you can have easier access to your bra’s pockets. i mean, you can’t be hitting changing rooms or restrooms every time you need to retrieve the phone, isn’t it?

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that said, we are not sure if SherryWinks did hit the sweet spot of modern women’s needs, but one thing for sure, PocketBra is a novel idea (and reserve our rights to be skeptical). anywho, for ladies who are enamored by the idea of bra with pockets, you can get them online for $39.50 a pop. don’t ask me about sizes, designs or whatever. i am a dude and i know nothing of such stuff. types of hook maybe, but not those. keep going for a product intro video.