SpaceX First Passenger To The Moon

If you don’t already know, SpaceX also has a bold ambition of making Moon travel a thing in near future. The Elon Musk’ space program company is already developing the Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) at a shipyard near the southwestern part of Los Angeles’ Terminal Island that will take humans for a Moon Tour in 2023. Among the would-be space travelers is the 42-year-old Japanese billionaire and founder of custom clothing online retailer ZOZO, Yuska Maezawa.

SpaceX First Passenger To The Moon
Concept art of the BFR.

SpaceX made the announcement of its first passenger to the Moon on Monday night (September 17, 2018) at its HQ in Hawthorne, California. The so-called BFR Lunar Mission, which will last for 4-5 days, will see the billionaire getting an all-expense paid trip to the Moon. Maezawa in turn will invite painters, sculptors, musicians, and architects from around the world to accompany him on this monumental journey that, if successful, will make them the first humans to travel to the Moon (onboard a U.S. spaceship) since the final Apollo mission in 1972.

Those who will be accompanying the billionaire entrepreneur will not be going without giving back. Maezawa request that, upon return, these bunch will have create a work of art using the historic journey as inspiration. Just in case you are wondering, no, they will not be stepping on the dusty surface of the pock mark ridden planet. They will do something like so:

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SpaceX First Passenger To The Moon

Skip ahead for a video of the live recording of the announcement if you are so incline.

Images: Yuska Maezawa/SpaceX.

Source: Inverse.