Sprinkler Leak On Top Floor Result In Formation of City Icicles

Under normal circumstances, one will only see icicles formation in epic proportion in very, very cold places (like, you know, Canada?). They can be often be found dangling under tree branches or at the edges of the overhang of a house. In other words, icicles in large number aren’t natural occurrence you get to see often in the in city, especially not in U.S. city of Chicago. Or so we thought. Apparently, last week’s brutal cold that assaulted the U.S. has resulted more than mortal inconvenience; it also saw the city getting the craziest icicle formation ever.

Sprinkler Leak On Top Floor Result In Formation of City IciclesIt happened when a sprinkler system of a 21-storey hotel and storage facility failed (extreme cold was possibly to be blamed here), sending water cascading down a fire escape which, thanks to the frigid cold, was frozen in no time. The result was tower of ice formed throughout the height of fire escape that, admittedly, was quite a sight to behold. It just make you wonder if Elsa had just walked down the fire escape. Anyways, this phenomena was reportedly cleared up in a few hour, but not before street art photographer Andrew Hickery immortalized the scene in digital images.

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Sprinkler Leak On Top Floor Result In Formation of City Icicles

Sprinkler Leak On Top Floor Result In Formation of City Icicles

Images: Andrew Hickery.

via Colossal.