AOC Cinematic 29-inch UltraWide Display

AOC Cinematic 29-inch UltraWide Display

i still remember those days where we had to pay like 300 plus bucks for a measly 17-inch Sony Trinitron CRT computer monitor (that weighs like a ton, btw). boy, have time changed. these days, you could bag yourself an awesome display like this AOC Cinematic 29-inch UltraWide Display (model: Q2963PM) for just $399.99. though it is worthy to note that this attractive price tag isn’t here to stay

AOC 23-inch IPS LCD Monitor

if you are a style-conscious geek who pay attentions to every detail of your gadgets, then we suppose the eye-sore bezel on today’s computer monitor must have irk you. fortunately, technology is moving at quite a breakneck speed and as of today, you have a choice not to be troubled by those unsightly bezel. and the AOC 23-inch IPS LCD Monitor (i2367Fh) is one such example…