ASUS VivoMouse Wireless TouchPad Mouse

ASUS VivoMouse Wireless TouchPad Mouse

running on Windows 8, but lack of a touchscreen to fully optimized the the latest Windows OS’s multitouch gestures functionality? no worries at all cos’ ASUS has just the answer for that: the ASUS VivoMouse Wireless TouchPad Mouse. aesthetically, this 3-in-1 input device looks suspiciously like the remote from the comedy

ASUS FonePad Tablet Phone - champagne gold

ASUS FonePad Tablet Phone

so you not only need a smartphone, but one that has the generous real estate that a small tablet can offer? well, we, or rather, ASUS has the good news for you: the ASUS FonePad is the new breed of tablet phone that could satisfy both of your needs with one device. though, we must say it must be a pretty awkward to be holding a 7-inch item to one’s ear.

ASUS MeMO Pad Android Tablet

you don’t need to resort to eating bread or go on instant noodles diet on daily basis just to save up for pretty gadgets. the newly announced ASUS MeMO Pad Android Tablet is one good example of beautiful and functional tech that won’t punch a serious hole in your wallet. costing just $149 a pop, this stylish 7-inch slate from the Taiwanese firm…

ASUS Zenbook Touch U500VZ Laptop

with so many Windows 8 portables flying off the production line or the design board, it is hard to keep up with announcements for both the manufacturers and ourselves. as such, there are bound to have a few that slips through the press release domain and appears silently in the market – or at least on the maker’s website. the ASUS Zenbook Touch U500VZ Laptop…