Exercise Accessories

Goji Play

Goji Play

ever wonder why your attention span on fitness machine such as the treadmill, is never as long as your Playstation or Xbox? because gaming is fun and seriously, walking or running is never as exciting (fitness freaks excluded from this statement, btw). heck, even watching Fox can’t take the reality of boredom away from a cycling

HOCK Luxury DISKUS Dumbbells Set

HOCK Luxury DISKUS Dumbbells Set

for every ordinary things, there are the extraordinary priced equivalents and exercise equipment like dumbbells are no exception. meet the HOCK Luxury DISKUS Dumbbells Set, and in particular, the 8-18 kilograms model, which is the latest addition to HOCK’s arsenal of luxury dumbbells. you heard that right, luxury dumbbells.

Treadwall by Brewer’s Ledge Inc.

rock climbing is an excellent form of exercise but honestly, while strength and endurance determines the success of a climber, there’s an even massive barrier: acrophobia or the fear of height. even if you are not particularly fear of height, it helps if you could practice your climbing methodology in a safe environment which puts installing a rock climbing wall in your…