these days, wearable music player is to fitness exercise, like flash light is to darkness. it is even better if the wearable gadget also keep tracks of your fitness performance...

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(image: Motorola) Motorola MOTOACTV | from US$249.00 |

these days, wearable music player is to fitness exercise, like flash light is to darkness. it is even better if the wearable gadget also keep tracks of your fitness performance stats. that’s what the Motorola MOTOACTV is about. the MOTOACTV is both a fitness tracker and a smart music player. it tracks your ongoing fitness performance stats that include your pace, calories burned, and thanks to its built-in GPS, it will let you in on the distance that you have covered and the map of route covered. the MOTOACTV features a 1.6-inch full color touchscreen display that is resistant to sweat, rain and a scratch-resistant Corning Gorilla Glass completes the package.
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other features include auto brightness adjust for indoor and outdoor lighting, FM radio, Bluetooth connectivity, and option to sync with the latest Android-powered smartphone. the latter feature is particularly handy for indoor exercise where user can have their smartphone place within the Bluetooth range, and still be able to receive incoming calls and text messages. when sync with the PC, users can check out what music motivates them the most, or track their workouts over extended time periods, and set workout goals. the Motorola MOTOACTV is available in 8GB (US$249) and 16GB (US$299)capacities, and will hit the stores from November 6, 2011.

SOURCE: Motorola