
Honda Toaster Oven

Honda Toaster Oven

Honda makes automobile, motorcycles, outboard motors and possibly, in near future, aircraft but a toaster? not that we have heard of but here it is, right before our disbelieving eyes, a Honda Toaster Oven from Sunbeam. what’s more unbelievable is, this vintage-style toaster is made from an actual Honda motorcycle gas tank (we know you

Honda Gear Concept Study Model

if you thought Acura has stolen the lime light from its mothership at the recent Detroit Auto Show, then perhaps the Honda Gear Concept Study Model should do the core brand a wee bit of justice. we know it is just one car but that’s enough for us cos’ the Gear is looking so damn sexy that we each want to have one now…

Honda Miimo Robotic Lawn Mower

impressed by Honda’s ASIMO robot? too bad you can’t own one to wait on you but come 2013, another Honda robot, the Miimo, will be serving the folks in Europe with one specialized chore: lawn mowing. yes, you heard that right. Honda is ready to make its robotic lawn mower commercially available to anyone who is willing to pay the price. apart from its obvious…