Anywhere Kneeling Chair: Kneeling Goes Classy Without The Numb
Do you kneel a lot? Like seriously a lot? Well, if you do, then your kneeling career is about to get a little less numb. Folks who kneel (a lot), meet the Anywhere Kneeling Chair.
Do you kneel a lot? Like seriously a lot? Well, if you do, then your kneeling career is about to get a little less numb. Folks who kneel (a lot), meet the Anywhere Kneeling Chair.
When we think about coffee filters, we think (1) it is for a coffee machine and (2) it is made of paper. Well, none of those applies to the Fuji Ceramic Coffee Filter. Firstly, it is not designed for use with any coffee maker and secondly, it is made of […]
Legend has it that there is a jigsaw puzzle that has no beginning or end. It has no starting point, no edges, or fixed shapes. Actually, it is not a legend. Such a jigsaw puzzle exists. Well, almost.
Reusable straw is a great way to save the planet (and sea turtles) from the agony of single use plastic. However, it is not without its caveat. For example, you probably would give up after a while because, a straw being a straw is hard to maintain the hygiene without […]
Up to this point, wallets are mostly made of leather (faux or genuine), textiles or PVC, and for a good reason. Those materials are flexible enough. But the real question here is? Do we need flexibility at all? Perhaps some do and some don’t. For those who don’t, you are […]
Among the many items we need to store, bicycle is perhaps the most cumbersome. This is especially true for tiny living space, which means hanging the bike is the only way. Then again, actual bike hanger or rack, as some calls them, is not cheap. This is where Lift Minimal […]