
REDRAY 4K Cinema Player

there are a couple of reasons why one might be in need of a 4K cinema player: first, you probably have a 4K video rig and a 4K UDTV but don’t have a player to playback those ultra high definition footages and two, you are just one heck of an insane videophile who believe that the only the best resolution available to mortal beings is the only resolution that your eyes should…

IsoTek Discovery Series EVO3

if you are a true audiophile, then we suppose sound system is more than what you after and you will be probably bothered as much by those ‘dirty’ electricity that’s coming out of your home’s mains. what you thousand dollars audio system need is a ‘clean’ and uncompromised electrical supply for which the new IsoTek Discovery Series EVO3 Power Products would be able…