(image credit: Les Triplettes de Bonneville)
this low-slung skeletal-looking Saline Airstream was designed by students of ISD (Institu Superieur de Design, France) for Les Triplettes de Bonneville [Fr]. beyond its sleek look, this bike is completely powered by compressed air, instead of internal combustion engine or current market favorite, electric motor. the Saline Airstream’s frame is of aluminum/magnesium alloy and a MDI air compression powers the motorbike with a trio of gas cylinders. *gurp* sounds kind of scary to be leaning directly above those gas cylinders, isn’t it? well, fortunately, this isn’t your everyday bike but it was destined for the Speedweek of Bonneville 2011 and guess what? it doesn’t have hub-less wheels! we thank the designers for that. check out more images of the Saline Airstream below.
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via Yanko Design