(credit: DKE Toys)
started back in 2007, The Vader Project was DKE Toys’ initiative to ‘re-imagine’ the dark sith’s iconic helmet. nearly 100 of the 1:1 scale prop replica of Darth Vader helmets curated by Dov Kelemer and Sarah Jo Marks of DKE Toys were given out to participating artists, surrealist painters, designers to tinkle with. the resulting work of art was Vader’s helmets in very contrasting design, if not un-dark sith like. the helmets when on a travel exhibition starting from 2007, through to 2010, and finally they were put through an auction process. it is unfortunate that we missed this beautiful event but more than a year on, we would like show our tribute to work done by the numerous artists by featuring The Vader Project here. check out The Vader Project website for more information. so what’s out favorite? our favorite gotta be the Darth ‘Liberty’ Vader. no question about it.
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