Waterfi Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite

e-reader is perhaps one of the greatest inventions of our time. it saves us from being overwhelmed by bookshelves that requires a ladder to access and also helps save the trees which our Mother Earth needed so badly. that’s not to mention, it also marks the end of your worries about silverfish chomping up your favorite books. despite those obvious benefits, e-book still shares the same weakness as its paper counterpart: they are both afraid of water. but for the case of an e-reader, water could spell end-of-life for the device. well, that’s until now. thanks to San Diego-based Waterfi’s special treatment process, this Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite (second generation) can be submerged over 200 feet of fresh or saltwater without time restriction unlike most stock waterproofed devices we see in the market today.

Waterfi Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite

so yes, the Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite 2 goes beyond splash resistant, which means, if you fancy, you can even scuba dive and read at the same time as long as you are within the ‘depth limit’. but that’s not all; this Waterfi version is also impervious to grease, sand, dirt and pretty much anything you can throw at it. if it gets soiled, all you have to do is wash it under a running tap and voila! a spanking clean e-reader. it sure sounds like a dream come true for gadget aficionados. but do not mistaken it as ruggedized. it is not; it will still be susceptible to nasty drops and serious bumps like most gadgets. it does, however, give avid readers the option to bring it near electronics’ greatest enemy so you can make the most out of your chill out time such as reading your favorite books or newspaper while chilling out on an inflatable float.

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Waterfi Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite

the key here is, peace of mind. with waterproofing in place, you need not worry that you will caught in a sudden downpour while reading in the open and that’s something geeks like us have been dreaming about for the longest time. available in both WiFi-only and 3G+WiFi units, the Waterfi Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite is yours to own for $239.99 and up.

Waterfi Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite

Waterfi Waterproofed Kindle Paperwhite

Waterfi via TechCrunch