Month: June 2012

Henry U.S. Survival AR-7 Rifle

whether you are an avid hunter or just a doomsday prepper, you will need a weapon that is accurate and portable in order for you do your best in your game or just to survive another day while not making yourself look too much like Rambo. you will need a firearm that can stand up to the rigor…

Lomo Lubitel 166+

if you can forego instant gratification for the sake of (very) old school photography techniques, then you are probably one hard core analogue camera lover. if that’s the case, we bet even a beautiful classic like the Konica Auto S2 won’t be able to quench your insatiable…

Google Nexus Q

amidst the buzz surrounding the newly announced Nexus 7 Tablet, there is actually one device being overlooked. and it really shouldn’t be cos’ the Nexus Q, as it is called, is Google’s answer to Apple TV. billed as a social streaming media player, the Nexus Q let…

Google Nexus 7

we will be honest with you: any hardware by Google under its Nexus branding tickles our gadget-senses and it is no exception for the new ASUS-made Nexus 7 tablet. not only it is the first Android tablet by the Internet search giant, it will be the first tablet to be shipped with…