Have you ever wonder if iconic cartoon characters would die and if they did, what they’d look like after years of decomposition? I know. It is a morbid wonderment. Not a question to ask children for obvious reasons. Anyways, Prague-based 3D artist Filip Hodas did and he did not let his imagination goes unseen.
The artist has created a series of fossils of popular cartoon characters, dubbed Cartoon Fossils, that include the likes of Goofy, Tweety Bird, Minnie Mouse, Popeye and more. Hodas’ Cartoon Fossils unintentionally answered the question of what if cartoon characters and decomposed?
It was a no-hold-bar creation, featuring the skulls of many familiar cartoon characters – complete with purpose designed display stand on a pedestal along with information card bearing the character’s scientific name, year the specimen first appeared on television, and data – just like you would find in museums.
As morbid as it may sound to some, Filip’s creations are eerily life-like and pretty damn awesome. Check out Filip Hodas’ Cartoon Fossils details on Behance where he also touch briefly on the design process. You may also want to explore more of Filip Hodas’ works and even order prints on his website at filiphodas.com.
Images: Behance (Filip Hodas).
Source: Colossal.