Parasitic Endeavors 2017 by Simon Christoph Krenn

Human body is a work of wonder. It is one of the nature’s marvelous architecture. I mean, aren’t you fascinated by something that is as tiny as a pea, can grow into a person like you and me? I never can stop marveling at nature’s creation. But this short here, makes human body weird. Like, absolutely bizarre. Created by Austrian filmmaker Simon Christoph Krenn, the short entitled Parasitic Endeavours features hyperrealistic CGI human body parts being put in all sorts of (very) strange situations, including being dragged, dropped, conjoined, and stretched.

The result is a sequence of contorted parts that looked rubber-like which can be disturbing (you know, like something you will dream about when on high fever) and yet at the same time, oddly mesmerizing. As weird as it sounds, it is. Don’t believe? Watch it yourself in the embedded video below. Oh, wait. I neglect to mention that you should expect to see a bunch of bald heads bunched together and also quite a bit of what appeared-to-be-ladies’ lower torso conjoined. So, yeah, there’s teeny weeny bit of nudity in it and hence, it is kind of NSFW. You have been warned.

Image: Vimeo.

via Lost At E Minor.