5 Gadgets for Black and White Photography

When first getting into photography, one quickly learns that gadgets to help improve your photographs in a variety of ways are a must to up-level your photographs. The same applies when looking at black and white photography specifically.

Black and white photography is particularly powerful due to its attention to detail and focus on contrast. These two things help create uniquely powerful photos. Black and white photography has always been extremely popular, for amateurs and professionals alike. In many online photo contests, like GuruShots, it is still one of the most prevailing forms of photography.

Sometimes you need a little extra help to make your photos heart-stopping.

The following gadgets are some that you should look into investing in if you want to take your black and white photography to the next level. They will not only make your job easier, but more effective as well.


PolarPro QuartzLine Camera Filters
Image: PolarPro.
Polarizers are circular filters that can be added onto your lens to create differing effects in your photos. Polarizing filters are effective specifically for black and white photography for their ability to enhance saturation and increase contrast–these help create more powerful monochrome photos.

Polarizing filters are able to rotate to highlight and change the settings. For example, you can darken skies as well as lighten your subject. This will help provide a more dramatic contrast in your black and white photos.

Another great feature of polarizers is their ability to get rid of reflections in glass or water. This could help take away some distractions or unwanted details.

Even if the polarizers (or other gadgets) fail you in real time, worry not. You can always use photo editing software for post-processing, even for free.
Kenko KE-NAHDAFN DG 12/20/36mm Adapters

Kenko Adapters
Image: Kenko.
Macro photography is particularly powerful and popular when dealing with black and white photography. However, the biggest pain when if comes to macro photography is getting awkwardly or impossibly close to your subjects.

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These adapters can add onto your lens and it will focus and increase the magnification of the subject without even using a macro lens. This helps photographers get that micro shot without having to get as close to the subject.

These adapters also maintain the settings of auto-focus on the camera.


Image: Joby.
Oftentimes, what can make or break a black and white photo is its focus and sharpness. If one of these is a little off, it is more obvious in a black and white photo than in color photography. Because of this, it is important to keep your camera as steady as possible when using it.

GorillaPods offer the stabilization of a typical tripod without being confined by space and bulkiness. These tripods are lightweight and compact, making them easy to travel with and easy to set up for that perfect shot. They are also perfect accessories if you want to start experimenting in black and white filmography, for they can serve as a video stabilizer.

Studio Kit

Studio Kit
Some photographers shooting in black and white are doing so because they appreciate the “clean” aesthetic of it. To increase clean lines and get rid of distractions in your photography, consider buying a studio kit.

If macro photography is your focus, consider getting a portable or pop-up studio kit like this one from Foldio. This will enable to put your subject on a crisp background and be able to really focus in on and highlight the details in your subject without bringing attention elsewhere.


Image: F.J. Westscott.
When it comes to all photography, lighting is an important aspect. However, it can be even more important when looking at black and white photography. Due to the emphasis on contrast in black and white, getting your lighting perfect is a must for the story you want to tell.

Off-camera lights can be intense and especially if you’re in a studio it may washout your subject. To add more of a soft light to your subject and to create a more effective lighting situation and contrast, softboxes are a must. They not only can add a soft light to your scene, but they can also help fill the scene and add separation or edge lighting. Softboxes are also great for their adaptability–they work effectively no matter what subject you are shooting.