we usually outgrow our toys soon enough but one category of toys that we will probably not grow out of are toy guns. that's probably why we have Airsoft and paintball guns for grown up (shooting) amusements. anyway, if you take this all time favorite and give it a little throw back, what you get is the nostalgic rubber band shooter but not just any rubber band gun, it's the Bandit Guns...

Bandit Guns - Rubber Band Shotgun
Bandit Guns | from US$20.00 | www.banditguns.com

we usually outgrow our toys soon enough but one category of toys that we will probably not grow out of are toy guns. that’s probably why we have Airsoft and paintball guns for grown up (shooting) amusements. anyway, if you take this all time favorite and give it a little throw back, what you get is the nostalgic rubber band shooter but not just any rubber band gun, it’s the Bandit Guns, a rubber band shotgun that uses pump action to let loose your rubber band ammo in a choice of three ways: pump once and pull the trigger for single shot, hold the trigger and pump rapidly for rapid shots and keep pumping till all the bands are loaded and unload them all at one go for the shotgun effect. of course, don’t expect any rubber band gun to give serious firepower but it is a fun thing and besides, total carnage is not what we are after cos’ the last thing you want is your neighbors dialing in the police. created by Bob Coulston, the Bandit Guns is currently on Kickstarter seeking your support and with a pledge of $20 or more, you are guaranteed (yeap, he has reached his funding goal) to bag one of these awesome guns. like always, different pledge amount will score you different rewards, so you might want to check it out and see what suits you best. check out a pretty cool product pledge video after the break.

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Kickstarter via Cool Material