A Guide To Saving Money While You Travel

Right now, the vast majority of people in the world are unable to travel as much as they would want to, but soon the world will start to open back up to travelers and adventurers, so it is a great time to start planning your next trip. Travel is notoriously pricey, so here is a helpful guide to saving money while traveling, meaning you can travel for longer before the cash runs low.

Take Your Time

One of the most expensive parts of traveling is the actual travel—moving from A to B. Plane tickets, train tickets, renting a car… all are expensive options if you want to get somewhere quickly.

A top tip for saving money is to look for slower options. If you are not in a hurry, you could save a huge amount of money by opting for a flight with a layover instead of a direct route. Book onto a train that stops regularly rather than the fastest option and you will probably save heaps of cash.

You could also save money by traveling at night. Booking onto a train that travels through the night means you do not need to pay for a hotel room or somewhere to stay that night, as you can just sleep on the train.

Slowing down is a great way to save money, so why not take the scenic route?

Fix Your Stuff

Before you go traveling, take stock of what you want to pack. If anything is on the verge of breaking, try to fix it instead of buying new. There are easy ways to fix broken sunglasses, for example, as long as you have the right tools. Read up on plastic welding and see what you might need to mend them yourself. You will be glad you did.

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Find Free Accommodation

There are many ways to find free accommodation spots all over the world. Platforms like Couchsurfing offer free accommodation with locals, and this is particularly easy to find in big cities.

There are also volunteering options available. A few hours of work each day can be exchanged for free accommodation, and sometimes your meals will be included, so you will be cutting costs there too.

Do your research and check out what is available where you want to go. You will be surprised by how much you could save by finding free accommodation rather than paying for a hostel bed.

A Guide To Saving Money While You Travel
Image credit: Pixabay (Jan Vašek).

Work as You Go

If your job allows, you could always work while you travel. Freelance writing and design gigs are particular popular for digital nomads, and are usually flexible options that mean you can work as much or as little as you want.

Alternatively, if you are good at arts and crafts, you could make jewelry or similar items and sell them to finance your trip.

People around the world are often searching for English teachers, so you could also turn your native language into an easy money maker. Teach online or ask in hostels to see if any guests are looking for lessons. You could charge an hourly rate or trade an hour of your time for a free meal!

Travel can be expensive, but if you want to travel for a long time, there are so many easy ways to save money and extend your trip. Volunteer, work and barter your way around the world; you will be amazed at what you can save.

Featured image via Pixabay (Free-Photos).