Box of Tools by Best Made Co.

Here’s a Box of Tools for your kids if you’re looking to nurture them into someone good with their hands. Someone who, in future, makes a good DIY-er, especially in the area of carpentry. We think it is a great idea, the tools. At least, for starter, juniors will learn that furniture is not Ikea and Ikea is not furniture. The tools are fashioned out of steel and wood, and are real working tools to get your young ones started. It goes without saying, grown ups’ (as in real adults and not those depicted in flicks like, well, Grown Ups) supervision is mandatory.

Box of Tools by Best Made Co.

Assortment of implements like fretsaw, clamp vise, screwdriver, files, hammer, push drill (you know? The good’ol manual drill? Yeah, those.), awl, a square and more, can be found stashed neatly inside a beautiful, purpose-crafted safe wooden cabinet. In total, there are sixteen hand tools, including a Best Made pencil, suitable for wood working projects. Naturally, the tools won’t see to complex tasks, but should ample as a starter tools set. Anything more complex means time to upgrade and/or acquire new tools, which we are pretty sure you already have.

Recommended for boys and girls age 8 and above. Available through Best Made Company web shop for $120 per set. Go check it out.

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Box of Tools by Best Made Co.

Box of Tools by Best Made Co.

Box of Tools by Best Made Co.

Box of Tools by Best Made Co.