Brookstone iConvert Scanner for iPad or iPad 2 | US$149.99 |
as iPad grows in popularity, many has make it as a replacement for a full fledge laptop to execute basic work and leisure activities while on the road. with that in mind, it makes sense to introduce a scanning device that allows you to quickly convert a physical document to a digital one right into your iPad. that is exactly what the iConvert Scanner is: a scanner that captures detailed 300dpi JPEG images and saves them directly to the photos folder of your iPad. all you have to do is to download and launch the free scanner app, dock your iPad onto the iConvert Scanner, and hit the scan button on your iPad screen and your physical document will be converted into JPEG files in a matter of seconds. once in its digital form, you can choose to email, print or delete the file (or files). sounds like a perfect tool for those who keep their iPad closer to them than their spouse. though, we hope there is an option to convert the scanned document into PDF format, apart from JPEG format. the scanner is powered by an included AC power adapter, and it is compact and light weight (653 grams, to be exact) enough to be tucked away into your travel bag for your next road trip. we are a huge fan of converting paper receipts to digital copies, so needless to say, we are totally sold by Brookstone’s idea. the iConvert Scanner is available from Brookstone for $149.99 a pop. hit the jump for a short product video and a few more images.
Brookstone via Gizmag