Career Change After a Certain Age

Theoretically, anybody can do anything at any age as long as they want to and have the opportunity to do so, but lets be honest, it is as vague a statement as anything else of the kind!

Truth be told, there is no universally applicable answer here. However, it is possible to improve your current lifestyle as long as you have a plan and are also determined to put in the time and effort necessary to bring that plan into fruition.

For a bit of guidance towards what you can possibly do to rise up higher from your current position in life, go through the following practical tips.

Career Change After a Certain Age

The Right Attributes Are More Important Than Your Age In Most Situations
Age is most certainly a factor when it comes to the chances of being hired in a new field of work, but that’s only relevant when you are really past your prime and the employer has sufficient reason to believe that the limits of your age will affect your productivity.

Therefore, being in your mid-30s or even in your 40s doesn’t necessarily mean you cannot shift careers and get chosen over a younger candidate if you have the attributes which the employer needs to fill a certain role in the company.

Relevant Education Is One of the Most Important Attributes To Have, Irrespective Of Your Age
When it comes to professional education, the information and training imparted onto students during the course are what qualifies them to even apply for related jobs. Therefore, the first course of action will require you to find an online bachelor’s completion program that both appeals to you, and has a good career prospect.

Studying online is definitely the way to go because the fees are lower, maintaining a full-time job is perfectly plausible and, most importantly, even the top universities in the United States now have authentic online programs.

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A bachelor’s completion program online in cybersecurity, healthcare management, business education, academics or liberal arts among others, is precisely designed to be flexible enough for full-time professionals. It’s a ticket to elevating your current lifestyle, with prospects of a better job and a higher pay, but without having to let go of what you have right now.

When Age Is A Plus: Experience And Education Combined
If you can somehow combine the experience of where you are working right now with a higher degree relevant to that field, that would be the best possible way to go up in life after a certain age.

It doesn’t even have to be exactly the same field, but as long as the experience from your previous career can be held as relevant, your age will actually become your biggest advantage, because experience plus education is pretty much what every employer is always looking for anyway.

For example, a registered nurse can study online to qualify for the nurse practitioner’s examination. On passing the exam, their career prospects, income and status in society will change tremendously, because in half the states, older nurses with enough hours under their belt can practice autonomously – that is, without needing a physician’s presence at the clinic.

While they technically still remain nurses, the job role of a nurse practitioner is more akin to that of a doctor than a nurse.

Just in case you have a solid business plan and some experience to back it up as well, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t go for it, because nothing is a bigger improvement in terms of career than owning a business of your own.

However, while you are still in the planning phase, you may want to complete a short course in business education to give your start-up an even higher chance of success.

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