(credit: via Make)
remember the awe-inspiring (and noisy) kinetic sculpture that involves over a thousands die-cast cars that we featured back in November 2010? after seven months and presumably lots of sweat and blood (and dough), it has been transformed into a colorful metropolis complete with skyscrapers. i am sure it is all worth it as this magnificent sculpture was reportedly sold for “millions of dollars.” if you ask me, i thought the metropolis II, as it is called, looks like a city jumped out of a comic book.
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in case you have not heard, Chris’s work of art involved 1,100 magnet embedded Matchbox cars that zips along its 10-feet tall by 28-feet long metropolis. don’t know what am i talking about? no worries, hit the jump and catch a video report by G4TV after the break. if you are not impressed by Chris’s work, then you must be one difficult person to please. nah, i am just kidding. go on, check it out.