Do you know that you and I share 50 percent of our DNA with a banana and about 90 percent with a mouse? In fact, you and I share 99.9 percent similarity in genetic make up and so do the rest of the human beings on Earth. So that leaves us with 0.1 percent that makes us truly unique, well, unless you’re a twin and in that case, you’d have the exact same DNA as your sibling. Leveraging on this fact, Dot One will help you decode the 0.1 percent DNA that makes you, you. From the cheek swap you send to them, Dot One profiles your DNA and using an algorithm to convert the genetic data into color. The result is a palette unique to you and you alone.
This artwork of colors can then be turned into a DNA Personalized Print, or a DNA Lambswool Scarf. The former looks like a scientific periodic table presented in colors with the details beneath it, while the latter looks more like a pattern that could find a place on ugly sweaters. Ok, to be fair, it is not ugly; it is actually quite alright looking, a little Minecraft-ish, if I may add. However, if you think it is ugly, then you only have yourself and your DNA to blame. Just kidding. We shouldn’t be ashamed of our genetic make up and if we are going to play the blaming game, then there’s a long line of folks before you to be blame.
In all seriousness, how can a bunch of colors be any bad-looking, right? Ok, perhaps it doesn’t look quite right on a scarf, but as a boon, you’d glad that bumping into someone with the scarf with the exact same color pattern is an impossibility (your twin sibling, if you have one, excluded). All these, however, is not going to be cheap. Wearing your DNA around your neck will set you back at £310, or for those who prefer it to be on print, it will cost £139. Despite of the price and general non-consensus in the aesthetic department, we still think it (the scarf) is pretty cool.