(image credit: Photojojo) The Shot Glass Lens Set | US$18.00 | photojojo.com
for expresso loving shutterbugs, downing a shot or two of expresso in the wee hours is the perfect way to start a morning photo shoot assignment, and what better way to do it then to take the shot from your favorite lens? well, not literally but there is always the Shot Glass Lens Set to do the job. just like the full size lens mug counterpart, it embodies detail (albeit in tiny proportion, that is) like focus-ring ridges, auto-manual focus switch, raised numberings et cetera. for just $18 you will get yourself a set of three such ceramic glasses, so that your fellow expresso loving shutterbug pals can join you for a shot to energize their days too. now that this drinkware has addressed the need for caffeine-addict shutterbugs, we should really explore what can be done for our alcohol (tequila, in particular) loving shutterbugs. a few more look of this cute drinkware set after the break.
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