Viral Heinz Clear Tomato Ketchup is Fake

You may have seen videos on TikTok of purported Heinz Clear Tomato Ketchup. In this video, the Heinz Ketchup isn’t red; it is transparent making it look more like a sanitizer than anything else. From the video, we can clearly see (pun not intended) that it has a Heinz product label indicating the product is Heinz Tomato Ketchup Clear. By seeing just the product, you may be dismissed right away as a hoax.

Viral Heinz Clear Tomato Ketchup is Fake

The thing is, the video showed that it was picked up from the shelf of a supermarket. I was like “holy shit, clear tomato sauce is real???” Well, a check on Heinz’s website revealed that such a product does not exist. Moreover, Heinz UK posted a response video to this, asking its followers to “tell us to make Clear Ketchup happen”. Heinz UK’s response further proved that clear ketchup isn’t real.

But what is in the bottle then? Well, the clear content we saw in the video could be either non-edible stuff like sanitizer or it could be the Heinz Aioli Sauce which is clear like the so-called Ketchup Clear. Since both Heinz Aioli Sauce shares the same type of bottle, all you have to do is print a label for it, and voila! A “Heinz Ketchup Clear”. But Heinz in the UK has a slightly different bottle design, btw.

Viral Heinz Clear Tomato Ketchup is Fake

Anyhoo, YouTube/TikTok personality Arnie Negrete also made a video showing him picking up a bottle from Walmart and proceeding to apply the “clear ketchup” to a pizza and eating it. This furthers my belief it could be an Aioli sauce or similar. But seriously, a pizza, with ketchup? That’s blasphemy whether or not that is real ketchup or not. It is worth noting that Heinz Aioli Sauce does not appear to be available in the U.S., so in the case of the clear sauce in Arnie ate in the video could be a similar product.

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Images: Heinz UK/TikTok.