Japan’s Kei Truck Garden Contest

You know Kei class cars and trucks? Kei is often use to describe Japanese keijidōsha statutory class vehicle, be it cars or trucks. OK. You probably knew that, but I bet you have never heard of Kei Truck Garden Contest, or as I would like to call it Kei gardens. Yup. There is such a thing and it is beyond awesome. What Kei Truck Garden Contest does is, it challenges landscape artists to turn the tiny bed of their Kei truck into beautiful gardens.

Japan’s Kei Truck Landscape Garden Contest

Kei Truck Garden Contest is an annual event sponsored by the Japan’s Federation of Landscape Contractors. Every year, droves of talented landscaping specialists from around Japan convened at the competition site to turn their tiny truck’s bed into stunning mini-size gardens. It is one thing to see miniature garden on your office desk and it is a whole new level of surreal seeing full-fledged gardens, sometimes complete with park benches and aquariums, packed onto the tiny constrain of a light truck’s cargo bed.

You can see more of these mind-blowing mobile gardens HERE. The page is in Japanese, but knowledge of Japanese language is not necessary because, these pictures speak volume. Man, I am not getting enough of these work of arts!

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Japan’s Kei Truck Landscape Garden Contest

Japan’s Kei Truck Landscape Garden Contest

Japan’s Kei Truck Landscape Garden Contest

Images: Federation of Landscape Contractors (Osaka).

via Boing Boing via Spoon & Tamago.