While browsing online can certainly be an enjoyable pastime, there are often dangers lurking behind websites that you may never expect. When visiting these sites, computers are often...

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While browsing online can certainly be an enjoyable pastime, there are often dangers lurking behind websites that you may never expect. When visiting these sites, computers are often infected with viruses, malware, and spyware that can wreak havoc on their machines. These different files are all malicious in nature, and manifest themselves in different ways. Some attack your machine, rendering your files useless, while others will attempt to transform your PC into a spam bot that in turns sends out phishing messages to other individuals. Malware is often responsible for identity theft. All of these situations are incredibly frustrating to handle, making it imperative that users find ways to keep themselves protected from unwanted software.
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One of the best ways to keep yourself protected is to only download software that you are able to independently verify. Many web users have fallen into a habit of simply using a search engine to effectuate a search for freeware that is capable of completing a task at hand, whenever the need presents itself. While there are certainly many programs available that are not malicious and are available for free, it is absolutely imperative to verify that a particular file is not malware and contains no viruses.

Instead of using search engines to find freeware available for download, it is a better idea to rely on trusted software databases. Many reputable technology websites, including destinations like CNET and Softpedia, include links to verified software that will not hurt your computer. Using such a database to find a freeware program that will work for your particular computing needs is much safer than relying on search engine results to find a legitimate application.

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In addition to finding your freeware applications through a trusted database, it is also a good idea to scan all downloads for any issues. Using an antivirus program is the best way to make certain that your recent downloads are not going to pass any unwanted viruses on to your system. Antivirus software is available from several different sources, including many large brands that sell impressive suites to keep your system protected. There are both free and paid options available for antivirus protection, so computer users will want to spend the necessary time reading reviews and information about available programs, in order to make an informed decision for their home PC.

In spite of taking all of these precautions, occasionally unwanted software may still find a way to access your PC. If you suspect that your machine may be compromised, you will want to run a virus check. Many antivirus programs offer tools that easily analyze your system’s files and determine whether any suspicious content exists. Furthermore, you can also find free online virus scanners from many reputable companies, all of which will examine your PC for infection, and notify you should any problems become evident.

Protecting yourself from malware and unwanted downloads does not have to feel impossible. By following these guidelines, you can make certain that your computer stays as safe as possible. Furthermore, quick removal of any threats that manage to enter your machine will make certain that the damage caused by such applications stays to a minimum.

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Hello, Im Jesse, writing antivirus reviews and articles on PC speed up, data recovery issues, etc. Check back for more tips soon![/box]