Kinect Ubi Software Touchscreen
fancy turning any surface, walls included, into a touchscreen? well, here's the good news: it is not science friction anymore. with the 'right equipment', Ubi Interactive's software can make your fantasy becomes a reality <em>now</em>. there are three (or four, if you don't already have a Windows 8-loaded PC) things you need to realize this dream:

fancy turning any surface, walls included, into a touchscreen? well, here’s the good news: it is not science friction anymore. with the ‘right equipment’, Ubi Interactive’s software can make your fantasy becomes a reality now. there are three (or four, if you don’t already have a Windows 8-loaded PC) things you need to realize this dream: a projector, a Kinect, and of course, the software from Ubi Interactive. once setup, you can then project whatever content onto a wall or table and do what you do best with any touchscreen device, meaning executing actions and gestures like tapping icons to launch apps, swiping and pinch-to-zoom. sounds like awesome? we would say it is, if you are not too anal about resolution cos’ as we all know, projector is hardly the go-to device for eye-watering images and top of that, you have to bear with the inevitable shadow that will be cast on the surface of projection.

assuming you already have the necessary hardware (PC, Kinect and all), all you have to do is to put down between $149 and $1,499, depending on the display size and level of customer support you are after, for the software to make this touchscreen-anywhere system works. catch the Kinect Ubi Software Touchscreen in action in the embedded video after the break.

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Ubi Interactive via Gearburn