(credit: Macquarium) iMacquarium | US$199.00 | macquarium.jakeharms.com
standard aquarium can be quite dull but here’s something that’s called iMacquarium that will definitely make your aquarium stands out and quite easily become a conversational piece. the man who gives the old Apple G3 iMac the magical touch that turned it into an outstanding fish tank is Jake Harms. Jake custom tanks to fit inside the G3 iMac and each tank holds about 3.5 gallons (13.2 liters) of water in them. that’s not all, each tank is comes complete with built-in filter and lighting which you can on or off as you fancy.
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maybe it is just another fish tank but the fact that it is in an iconic G3 iMac guise that makes it a whole lot cooler. the good news is, this isn’t just another DIY project that you can’t buy but Jake’s putting his handy work for sales at $199.99 each or if you fancy getting your hands dirty and want to build yourself one, you can purchase the iMacquarium kit for $135. i am guessing if you are not a fish lover but a Mac fan, you would want one. true? it looks just as nice with just the aquatic landscaping. don’t you think so?
via Holycool