Maurizio Cattelan Banana Artwork Eaten by Student

That’s right, folks. Another banana art from Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan bites the dust. Or got bitten and eaten, to be precise. Maurizio Cattelan, who you probably remembered him for the BMW spaghetti car and the golden toilet, had his US$120,000 Banana installation eaten by New York-based performance artist David Datuna in 2019. Recently, it happened again.

Maurizio Cattelan Banana Artwork Eaten by Student

An identical installation of a Banana duct taped to a wall was eaten by a student while on display at a South Korea Museum. Man. I don’t want to say. I guess a banana duct taped to a wall is a banana asking to be eaten. Anyhoo, the satirical artist is having an exhibition, entitled “WE”, at the Leenum Museum of Art. One of the exhibits is “Comedian”, a ripe banana duct-taped to a wall.

Then on April 27, at around 1 PM Seoul time, a visiting Seoul college student decided to consume the banana. After chowing down the fruit, the student nonchalantly taped the peel back onto the wall. Well, that kind of makes it a collaborative art piece that has an element of performance art.

Maurizio Cattelan Banana Artwork Eaten by Student

The entire process of taping a regular-ass banana on the wall which was then subsequently eaten, and the remains left behind, taped to the wall – all felt like a performance. Anyways, thankfully for the student (who was an art major), the museum is not pursuing the matter since the banana in this installation has to be replaced every 2-3 days as it was instructed by the artist. So, yeah, no harm, no foul. My guess is the student already knew that. Though not sure this act qualifies as part of the student’s portfolio.

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If you are an art buff visiting South Korea, you may admire Cattelan’s works at the Leenum Museum of Art from now until July 16, 2023.

Maurizio Cattelan Banana Artwork Eaten by Student

Images: Facebook (Vivian Wo)/(Leenum Museum of Art).

via MSNews.