Model Moon Rampages Through Streets In China

September 15 of this year coincides with the Mid-autumn Festival, AKA Mooncake Festival, celebrated by many Chinese across the world. And mind you, this festival is quite big of deal in China and hence, for the lack of the moon to appreciate on this day due to the soon-to-befall bad weather, Moon replicas in a rather epic proportion have been put up in public locations across the cities in China. The Moon replicas are actually air-filled balloons with Moon texture pattern printed on them which, when lighted up, looks pretty surreal.

Here’s one of the faux Moon that didn’t go on the run:

Model Moon Rampages Through Streets In China
One of the many fake Moons (when not on the run)

However, Mother Nature aren’t too kind to this festive mood though. Heavy gusts and rains brought upon by Super Typhoon Meranti pretty much causes inconvenience to folks and also, not surprisingly, managed to dislodge one of these fake Moons in Fuzhou. Needless to say, witnesses are in abundance and naturally, the act of Moon walking Earth was caught on tape.

And here’s one on the loose:

While it was quite an unfortunate event, seeing a ‘Moon’ ‘squashing’ everything in its path was quite a sight to behold and may even make one giggle in delight. Then again, no harm was done as the air-filled runaway Moon appears to be somewhat deflated and it shouldn’t cause much havoc. Continue reading to catch the said video.

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Featured image: screengrab via YouTube video.

Additional images: NEWS.CN via Shanghaiist.

via Shanghaiist via Gigazine