Nike DSM AF1 | US$tba |
to describe shoes as a dime a dozen in the market is an absolute understatement. it is a staple in our daily lives and the makes and models are almost countless, like stars. but we all know what’s important to us when it comes to a pair of kicks: comfort and by our feet’s demand, they shouldn’t weight us down a bit. the Nike DSM AF1 just happens to fit those criteria. this pair of sneakers is the result of a collaboration between Nike and Dover Street Market to mark the 30th anniversary of AF1. what makes this the DSM AF1 special is the use of a resilient woven fabric known as Ventile, which allows for less component parts in the AF1’s upper, giving it a slimmer look and feel. additionally, the material is by nature, waterproof, windproof, tear- and fire-resistant, thus making it one tough pair of kicks. other features include innovative cushioning system for more flexibility throughout the sole, a Tyvek tongue-tab marked with 17-18, referring to the street number of Comme des Garcon’s London Dover Street Market. the Nike DSM AF1 is available in two colors: classic navy and summer ecru (aka white), and is now available at Dover Street Market Ginza, Tokyo, as well as in London. the rest of the world, including U.S, Europe and China, will be seeing this limited edition shoes reaching their shores in mid-August. click through for a few more look.