we are serious advocator of individualism and style, and because of that, we are constantly looking out for gadgets and accessories that's unique and functional. the Out of Print eBook Jackets happen to fit our bill (almost too perfectly, if we might add) and we are pretty sure they will fit yours too - if individualism and stylishness are the keys to your gadget-laden life. Brooklyn...

Out of Print eBook Jackets
Out of Print eBook Jackets | from US$40.00 | outofprintclothing.com

we are serious advocator of individualism and style, and because of that, we are constantly looking out for gadgets and accessories that’s unique and functional. the Out of Print eBook Jackets happen to fit our bill (almost too perfectly, if we might add) and we are pretty sure they will fit yours too – if individualism and stylishness are the keys to your gadget-laden life. Brooklyn-based clothing firm Out of Print is no stranger to gadget accessories even though they started their career as a clothing company and their latest venture is something that will not only appeal to individualist but also fan of ebooks alike. Out of Print eBook Jackets gives your modern gadget a touch of old school with cases featuring original book cover art of popular classic novels that include The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice, Invisible Man, Slaughterhouse-Five, A Clockwork Orange, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Moby Dick, Lolita, On The Road, and Atlas Shrugged. each case features book board wrapped with prints on treated book fabric, a form-fitting cradle with access to all ports and buttons, and made by the oldest bookbinder in the U.S. it is not only just novel but it is functional and at the same, keep your precious gadget in disguise and away from potential thief. what are the chances of someone wanting to steal a Moby Dick story book? the folks at Out of Print has taken their latest project to Kickstarter, allowing you to be the first to snag a Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire jacket for $40 each, or an iPad jacket for $45 each. check out a pledge video after the break.

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Out of Print via Complex Tech