I am not going to lie. I have this special affinity for concrete. The industrial flavor projected by any concrete object is, to me, very calm and zen-ish. But this kind of cool is not for everyone, partly, anything that you can think of, if made by concrete would be impractical as the object would be heavy and brittle. However, those cons would be non-issue for the Dome Lamp created by Budapest-based artist Rita Koralevics. Simply called Dome+ lamps with bamboo, it looks like they are made out of concrete, but they are not the concrete you imagined.
The dome is actually made of a paper-concrete composite that gives it the strength and look of concrete but not the associated heftiness. Though we are not sure about how strong it really is, but if it is a fraction of what concrete would normally weight for a particular shape, I think I am good. The key thing here is, it looks exactly like concrete, perhaps, even rawer. However, I am guessing the raw look is intentional and a smooth finish appearance can be achieved with more cement or similar. Credit should also be given to the matching grey cable and the bent bamboo strap in making the Paper Concrete Composite Dome Lamp a beauty too.
Beyond the Paper Concrete Composite Dome Lamp, lies a bigger a picture. The innovative material if made stronger, could one day be used for other applications, including building homes and if recycled papers are used, it could also promote sustainability. We love to find out more. Unfortunately, it appears that Rita only posted in her native language and not in English, and thus limiting my ability to understand her products. If you know something about it, do let us know in the comment section or email us cos’ we are totally serious about wanting to learn more.
Images courtesy of Rita Koralevics.
via Yanko Design