(image credit: Polaroid) Polaroid GL10 Instant Printer | US$169.99 | polaroid.com
the new GL10 Instant Printer from Polaroid is now available for pre-order and shipment is expected to be in June. touted as the next generation of Polaroid instant printing experience, the Polaroid Grey Label G10 weights just 15 ounces (425 grams) and works with most mobile phones via Bluetooth. it also works with most digital cameras and is compatible with both Windows and Apple machines.
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the ability to print wirelessly and together with its rechargeable lithium-ion battery, makes this a nifty cable-free gadget. it can print high quality 3″ x 4″ full color pictures in about 45 seconds and it prints without ink, thanks to the 2nd generation ZINK Zero Ink Printing Technology. will the GL10 change the way we print (or develop) our photos? well, its yours to find out for a price of $169.99 a pop and expect shipment to be sometime in June.