Remember Royole? The first company to launch a foldable smartphone, FlexPai? And also, remember the futuristic Louis Vuitton Flexible Display Handbags? Well, as it turns out, Royole was responsible for the display on the Parisian fashion house’s high-tech handbags debuted at the Louis Vuitton Cruise Collection 2020 in New York.
The line of handbags with flexible display, which is called “Canvas of the Future,” consists of three iconic bags from LV slapped with Royole’s patented flexible displays and flexible sensors. According to the official words, the flexible display is able to show custom images and videos, and the display control via the flexible touchscreen interface, affording users with instant and infinite personalization. It took Louis Vuitton two years to create these handbags.
Louis Vuitton “Canvas of the Future” recently also made an appearance at the VivaTechnology in Paris. While time and money are invested into this novel luxury leather goods, it is not known if they will ever be available to consumers.
Images: Royole/Louis Vuitton.