Samsung Clamshell Folding Screen Phone

In case you missed it, Samsung teased a clamshell folding screen phone at its Samsung Developer Conference. You probably seen the images of the phone floating around the Internet of late. But what you may not know is, this clamshell folding screen phone will arrive sooner than you think.

According to a report, the unnamed device will be launched around February 2020 and much to surprise of many, it will retail for around a million won, or about $843. Now, that’s a welcome news.

Samsung Clamshell Folding Screen Phone

Ignoring the specs, it could give Motorola Razr a run for its money. We love the new Razr, but the 4-figure sum hardly justified for the mid-range specs.

However, it is worthy to note that details of this new clamshell-style folding screen phone from Samsung are lacking. But I will go out on a limb to say it will not be rocking flagship chip. I even think it could be running off Samsung’s own chipset.

Samsung Clamshell Folding Screen Phone

Flagship innards or not, this is nevertheless a welcome news. Even more so if you consider the mid-ranger folding screen phone from Motorola costs a cool $1,499 and the flagship Galaxy Fold commands nearly 2 grand.

We have a feeling that Samsung may whip out a concept at next month’s CES in Vegas. Until then, the device is still an exciting mystery.

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Images: YouTube (Samsung Newsroom).