Saturday Surf NYC x Devon Turnbull Ojas Speakers

like most speakers we featured here, we can’t vouch for the audio awesomeness of these limited edition Ojas Speakers, but it should, for the absolute style-obsessed folks (namely us), let you cross out the item ‘super sleek’ in your speakers’ prerequisite list. little is known about the happening underneath the beautiful natural wood case, but as far as hardware goes, there is a massive (and probably bring-the-house-down quality) sub-woofer stuffed inside the wooden box, while a driver sits atop of the case to take care of frequencies other than the lows.

Saturday Surf NYC x Devon Turnbull Ojas Speakers

created for Saturdays Surf NYC by Devon Turnbull of Ojas to commemorate the brand’s Kobe, Japan location one year anniversary, the Ojas Speakers will make an excellent functional decorative piece in any contemporary homes, but only if you have like $12,000 to drop. yes. that’s how much this baby will set you back at. well, you now how is it like. if you want to piss off your neighbors, you ought to have the money to do so – first for the equipment like this and second, probably a lawyer to cover your ass when things get a little too hot to handle.

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Saturday Surf NYC x Devon Turnbull Ojas Speakers

available through Saturdays Surf NYC store in Kobe, Japan, or if you have a no-limit credit card, you can pick up one online too. one last note though, according to Saturdays, the stock is low, so you have to touch base with the good folks to verify the availability.

Saturday Surf NYC x Devon Turnbull Ojas Speakers

via Cool Material