physical keyboard designed for iPhone is nothing new but this particular concept by a Chinese dude named Jing Yang is something that we...

Smart Keyboard Concept 544x488px
(credit: Jing Yang)

physical keyboard designed for iPhone is nothing new but this particular concept by a Chinese dude named Jing Yang is something that we wish Apple or anyone, will come up with. drawing its inspiration from Apple’s Smart Cover, the Smart Keyboard (yes, that’s what it is called) uses magnet to attach itself to the iPhone’s bottom and folding up activates the onscreen keyboard, while in unfolded form, the onscreen keyboard hides away, leaving you free to use the cool Smart Keyboard. the concept aims to provide user with a slightly bigger viewable space on the phone as it starts from the very bottom of the phone (yes, covering the Home button).
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just like the Smart Cover, it can be folded all the way back, forming a small triangle that props up the phone. additionally, the keyboard will be backlit too. sounds too perfect to be true, eh? heck it is but that’s the beauty of concept, isn’t it? we like the concept, despite the fact that a probably differently size iPhone 5 is going to hit the market soon. never mind that the keyboard seems to be too thin to be true (not to mention, too thin for any backlit possibility) or the ‘triangle’ is too tiny to prop anything up. we just love to dream. hit past the jump for a short clip of this wonder concept.

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via M.I.C Gadget