(photos: Suck UK) SUCK UK Book End / Door Stop Homeguard | £25.00 | www.suck.uk.com
according to Suck UK, Home Guard were volunteers during the World War II who were unable to participate in the actual war. instead they stood guard at their motherland to maintain peace and harmony. so it is a fitting tribute for these unsung heroes by immortalizing them into little green resin soldiers that now stand guard against falling books and well, slamming doors. hence, the Bookend and Door Stop Homeguard. no gimmicks here, we know for sure they will work as they should. cos if 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of weight can’t hold up your books, then you should go for cinder blocks instead. plus, don’t you think these Homeguard resembles your childhood tiny green toy soldiers? of course, don’t expect a bagful of them or cost as cheap as it were back then. the SUCK UK Book End / Door Stop Homeguard will set you back at £25 or US$40 each, based on the current going rate. march past the jump for a few more look.