(credit: SwitchEasy) SwitchEasy Thins for iPad and iPad 2 | US$39.99 | www.switcheasy.com
iPad (original or two) is a revolutionary gadget that’s thin and sleek, so it certainly makes no sense to bulk it up while trying to protect it. with that in mind, SwitchEasy introduces us to Thins, an ultra thin 4-mm sleeving tailored from Neoprene material (you know, the stuff used in wetsuit?) and for that added touch of exquisite build, it has gone stitch-less by using heat-sealing technology to put the Neoprene material together. a reinforced flap keeps your iPad safely within the sleeve when on the go. for those who also uses or intended to use SwitchEasy CoverBuddy or NUDE for iPad 2, you will be glad to know that they will still fit within this beautiful sleeve. the SwitchEasy Thins comes in three hues: red, viola (read: violet) and the good old black, and for $39.99 you will get one Thins for iPad / iPad 2, two portable fold-out stands, one anti-static screen guard, one microfiber wipe and one Squeegee for applying your screen guard so you won’t have to use your credit card to get the job done.
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