Light Bulbs

Philips Friends of hue

Philips Friends of hue

remember Philips hue? the smartphone-controllable, web-enabled LED home lighting system? well, it now has a couple of friends joining it and they are the LivingColors Bloom and LightStrips – collectively (and very aptly) known as Philips Friends of hue. the Philips Friends of hue takes your light show from beyond the ceiling to the wall and under your corridor arch, bed, sofa and more.

LIFX WiFi Light Bulb

LIFX WiFi Light Bulb

seriously, it has been a long while since we need get up and walk to our TV or music system to control them, so why should your lightings be any different? the idea of remote control light is not new but it does involve switching out your light fixture for a specific remote control-capable model which might be everyone’s fancy. this is where the LIFX WiFI Light Bulb comes in.

Philips hue

flipping a light switch is a task that we don’t need our brain to process. it as simple as this: you need lights, you walk to the switch and flip it and that’s it. however, the Philips hue Smart LED Bulb is going to change the way how we are going to light up and the good news is, it is happening right now. so what exactly is Philips hue? it is a wireless bulb that you can control with…

Bluetooth Bulb

as if flipping a simple light switch is a mammoth undertaking, mankind has tried ways and means to remotely control our lightings that ranges from voice activation, clap-activated and the likes – all in the name of making turning our lights a little easier. soon, we will have yet another way for flipping the light switch: via Bluetooth 4.0. the aptly dubbed…