
NuForce NE-650M In-Ear Headphones

NuForce NE-650M In-Ear Headphones

it is natural to associate big brand name with big price, but not in the case of NuForce. their latest NuForce NE-650M in-ear headphones is anything but wallet crunching. costing just $44.95 a pop, the NE-650M is the newest addition to its critically acclaimed NE-600 series audio buds and each earbud is equipped with a

NuForce IA-18 Integrated Amplifier

NuForce IA-18 Integrated Amplifier

gone were the days where getting good sounds require you to have mad scientist’s lab-like setup. everything has been shrunk down to a point where you could now get audiophile-grade sound even from a small cube device. however, if you are one who is adamant on the ‘old school’ setup i.e. multiple components, it doesn’t necessary mean your

NuForce HP-800 Headphones

when you have a headphone from a name like NuForce, being all flashy is the last thing it will ever need. in fact, the sweet sound that NuForce has been known for will make any plain jane cans look strangely attractive and that’s precisely what the NuForce HP-800 Headphones is all about. designed for both music pros and audio enthusiasts, this studio-monitor class audio cans…

NuForce S3-BT Bookshelf Speakers

it was not long ago that audiophile community cringes at the idea of streaming music over Bluetooth but that was then. with the latest Bluetooth 4.0 and apt-X audio coding technology introduced into Bluetooth stereo products, wireless streaming over Bluetooth is now almost indistinguishable from its wired counterpart – a cue for audiophile equipment maker to jump into…

NuForce Cube

our urge to share is immense and that sharing doesn’t just stops at photos or videos but it goes on to music as well, which prompted us to blast our music through the pathetic speaker of our mobile devices. at the end of the day, it just makes the otherwise sweet…