(credit: screenshot by mike taken from theoatmeal.com)
this is the first time i am posting about a website and it’s not even tech or gadget-related. nevertheless, the Oatmeal is a well designed, purposeful website and it has comics to tickle your funny bone, quizzes to challenge your knowledge and a shop that sell some shirts, posters and mugs to supplement its existence.
there was one particular comic that caught my attention, entitled “Ten Words you need to stop Misspelling“, which is pretty cool. even though we are educated in English, we do make mistakes so the Oatmeal teaches us not to misspell those common words in a fun, comical way. if that’s not enough, you can even get a poster of this comic and stick to your wall to remind you not to misspell these ten words again.
i love to draw, and i appreciate every bit of the comic that the one guy put up over at his website. really cool. love the generous grey shades used on the website with some dashes of red. sweet. sweet. awesome.