Highest Paying Jobs Without A College Degree

The world that we live in today is changing by the minute; that’s for sure. A few decades ago, a person without a college education couldn’t even dream of a high paying job. And that’s because the rules were strict and a degree was more valuable than actual skills. Fortunately, technology has opened all the doors for us, allowing people to master anything, anytime through e-learning platforms or simple YouTube video tutorials.

If you’re in the position of someone without higher education wanting to get a new job where they can prove their worth, keep reading this article in order to find out which are the highest paying jobs without a college degree in 2020.



For some people, it’s not surprising that programming makes the top of the list. For years now, the subject of becoming a programmer without a computer science degree has been debated over and over again. It is true that you need lots of technical skills in order to build websites as a web developer or to build mobile applications, but for sure you can land a good job without uni. The key to becoming a self-taught programmer is to be very committed and to invest as much of your time as possible in online courses and maybe one or two internships.

Air Traffic Controller

Air Traffic Controller

Even though it seems hard to believe, it is absolutely true! — You don’t need to be college educated in order to become an air traffic controller. Of course, this kind of job is not one that you’d find openings for at any given time. But with hard work and ambition, you can land a position and earn a six figure salary without that degree that everybody’s obsessing over. More so, being an air traffic controller means that you’re earning as much money as possible for an employee without a college education, as this job is the highest paid in that category.

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Transportation Manager

Transportation Manager

Being a transportation manager is one of the best jobs that you can get if you didn’t go to college. The job requires you to manage the way transportation works in a trucking company, making sure that all goods are shipped in a fast and efficient manner. You won’t really earn a six figure salary, but you’ll be very close after a few years of experience. And more so, the employment growth for this position has been constantly increasing in the past few years, which means that your chances are higher than ever.

Nuclear Power Reactor Operator

Nuclear Power Reactor Operator

While you might think that you need advanced physics and engineering degrees in order to get this kind of job, the truth is that you don’t actually need a college degree. But you do need to prove that you have the knowledge by taking a special exam that will help you get a certificate. The job is less common nowadays, but that’s a good thing for whoever wants to get into it now, as the salaries can go up to $100,000.

Gaming Manager

Gaming Manager

If the name of the job is confusing for you, you should know that a gaming manager is usually referred to as a “pit boss”. The job requires the manager to monitor the activity in a casino, where legal gambling takes place. The downfall of this job is the harsh schedule, which is irregular and often includes night shifts. Becoming a gaming manager usually happens after a few years of experience working in a casino, but it surely doesn’t require any college education.

If you didn’t get a college degree or you’re not planning to get one, people are probably giving you a hard time, telling you that you probably won’t make it. But with the way technology enables us today to connect with one another and to learn, makes it very possible for you to get a very well paid job without college. It’s true that sometimes you might find it harder than a college educated person to do so, but ambition and perseverance are the key values that you need to possess.

Featured image by Pixabay via Pexels.