Top Teen Slang Terms Decoded by ASKfm

OMG. Peeps, MJ’s original album ‘Off The Wall’ is going to hit the shelves soon. We think it is the GOAT. It is totally savage and imho, it is dime. If I buy, I will definitely PAP on FB.” How much do understand of this statement? Some acronyms like OMG, IMHO and FB already have some history, but the rest are recent slang words and acronyms popular among today’s teens. These terms are being widely used on app like Facebook, Twitter and even in actual conversation. Just how many do you actually understand? To unravel the mystery, ASKfm, the social Q&A network (think Quora), has compiled a list of slang words and acronyms used by teens. This list should come in real handy for both parents and anyone who desire to keep up with the young generation.

Here’s an excerpt of the 20 terms from ASKfm’s Teen Slang Dictionary:

PAP — Acronym meaning “post a picture”
Bad — Just like the olden days of parents’ yore, bad still means good but it has shifted slightly and means something even more positive like hot
Ship — Short for relationship
:3 — A symbol meant to represent the cat face made by anime characters when they say something clever, sarcastic, or comment on something cute
IDEK — Acronym for “I don’t even know…”
IKR — Acronym meaning “I know, right?”
OOTD — Acronym for “outfit of the day;” commonly used to prompt someone to post a picture of their current outfit or to share your current outfit with friends/followers
SMH — Acronym for “shaking my head;” in reference to something distasteful

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So, how many of these terms do you know? Let us know in the comment below.