if you are a huge fan of motion sensor-based gaming, chances are you probably own all three major game consoles: Wii, Kinect and Playstation Move. the trouble is, you won't have much real...

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(credit: DreamGear) DreamGear TriMount | US$29.99 | www.dreamgear.net

if you are a huge fan of motion sensor-based gaming, chances are you probably own all three major game consoles: Wii, Kinect and Playstation Move. the trouble is, you won’t have much real estate on top of your LCD TV to put them altogether. DreamGear has a clever solution in the form of the TriMount. TriMount is the ultimate shrine for all your sensor placement needs: it holds up your Kinect on top, your Playstation Eye in the middle and a slot for your Wii sensor bar – and clamp mount them as one unit to almost any LCD TV – in the process making your TV looks like one futuristic robot with multiple eyes. the TriMount is up for pre-order for $29.99 and will ship in mid-August. so if you are looking to solve you sensors-woes, the TriMount should be up to the task, else you can turn your woes into an excuse for purchasing yet another state-of-the-art LCD TV.

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DreamGear via Engadget